
Politician’s name trends on Twitter after threatening journalist

#KirbyDelauter – a Frederick County Council member in the US – has trended on Twitter after he threatened a journalist Bethany Rogers with legal action for using his name without his permission.

by WAN-IFRA Staff | January 7, 2015

Kirby Delauter objected to an article by Bethany Rogers published in the Frederick News Post on January 3rd. The original story related to a conflict between council members over parking space assignments.

The source of the threat was found on a Facebook post written by the council member (captured by the Washington Post):

The Frederick News Post responded with an editorial titled “Kirby Delauter, Kirby Delauter, Kirby Delauter.”

“Discernibly, though,” the editorial reads, “Kirby Delauter’s ignorance of what journalism is and does is no joke, and illustrates one disturbing aspect too prevalent in conservatives’ beliefs: That the media are all-liberal stooges Hell bent on pursuing some fictional leftwing agenda.”

The beginning of each paragraph in the tongue-in-cheek editorial spells out the name “Kirby Delauter.”

Twitter immediately responded with a raft of pop-culture references, where the hashtag #KirbyDelauter trended:


skippy the ⬛⬛⬛ kangaroo@skippybkroo

the first rule of is that nobody talks about

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Andrew Bouska@andrewbouska

“Pat, I’d like to solve the puzzle then quickly hire an attorney to defend my First Amendment rights.”

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The hills are alive with the sound of ‘s name.

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BREAKING: announces he has changed his name to following, unpronounceable symbol.

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Emily Richmond


Anyone else hoping the only thing @GameOfThrones Hodor can say in Season 5 is ?

See Emily Richmond’s other Tweets


Sarah McLaughlin


When in doubt, ask yourself: what would do?

Tricked you! Now you’ve said ‘s name and he will sue you.

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Bryan P. Sears@bpsears

Hello, my name is . you used my name unauthorized. Prepare to be sued.

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Norm D Guerre@NormDGuerreIndy

“How many roads must a walk down, before you can call him ?”

See Norm D Guerre’s other Tweets


The scenario is seen by some to be an illustration of the “Streisand Effect,” where an attempt to censor information backfires and attracts more attention to the would-be censor. It was named after the singer Babara Streisand after she sued a photographer in 2003 over photographs of a coastline which identified her home. The lawsuit attracted more attention to her home.

Bethany Rogers, the journalist at the centre of the Kirby Delauter threat had the final say on Twitter:


Bethany Rodgers@BethRodgersSLT

Appreciate all the love today, Twitterverse. Thanks to you, I type the name of without any fear tonight 😉

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