
Twitter ends Flattr partnership

2013-04-16. Flattr, the “online tip jar,” announced today that Twitter has removed the possibility to flattr tweets via the use of favourites.

by WAN-IFRA Staff | April 16, 2013

It’s been a month since Flattr expanded its partnership with Twitter, Instagram Soundcloud, and Flickr. The idea of “flattering” content with small donations has become a mild success. Now, Twitter has cut off the partnership citing a violation of API terms.

Flattr co-founder Linus Olsson said in a blog post that Twitter is “stomping out innovation.”

“We feel that Twitter is reading things into their terms that is not there.”

According to Olsson, Twitter’s “Platform Operations” team contacted them and said they were violating the “Commercial Use” section in the API “Rules of the Road” which says “Your advertisements cannot resemble or reasonably be confused by users as a Tweet. For example, ads cannot have Tweet actions like follow, retweet, favorite, and reply. And you cannot sell or receive compensation for Tweet actions or the placement of Tweet actions on your Service.”

Olsson said he is trying to work out a better deal. In the meantime, those using the Flattr browser extension can still flattr tweeters through an alternative mechanism.

The move follows Twitter’s decision to cancel another payment service, Ribbon, which allows users to sell items on multiple platforms.

On a brighter note, Olsson announced that Flattr will now be partnering with YouTube.

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